Career Exploration, Career Progression, Hiring Process, Job Search Tips, Motivating Employees

Fifty Reasons People Can Lose Jobs, After Getting One

Written by mrafeeq · 16 min read >

Photo by Benjamin Disinger on Unsplash

One of the most stressful events in a person’s life can be job hunting. It is hard to find the perfect fit, and it often takes multiple interviews before someone gets hired. However, they are eager to start their new position with enthusiasm and excitement once they finally get hired. Unfortunately, that optimism doesn’t last long for many people who lose their jobs after only one or two weeks on the job! This article will outline fifty common reasons why new hires fail their jobs so you can avoid them in your career.

1. Lack of skills

Lack of skills is one of the most common reasons new hires lose their jobs. It can be challenging for employers to assess your actual skill set during an interview, so they often rely on you to know what you are capable of and then prove it once you start working. If you are not qualified for the position, or if your skills do not match what they were looking for in a candidate, then it is likely that you will be let go.

2. Unwillingness to learn new skills

Employers want to feel confident that they invest in candidates who will stick around for the long term. If you have not shown interest in learning new skills or seem unwilling to do so when necessary during your workday, it will be hard for them to see you as committed and dedicated and will stay with the company for a long time. New hires should show enthusiasm for learning new things to be an asset to their team and take pride in their daily work. If you have not shown any interest in growth or development, it will be hard for your employer to justify keeping you around when they can invest in someone willing to grow with the company.

3. Poor work ethic

Employers want to invest in employees who are going to be hard workers. If you have a poor work ethic, it will be difficult for your employer to justify keeping you around when they can hire someone with a proven track record of being dependable and putting in the effort needed to get their job done well each day.
New hires should show enthusiasm for their work and put in the effort needed to get things done well. If you have not shown any interest in doing quality work, it will be hard for your employer to justify keeping you around when they can invest in someone willing to do what it takes each day.

4. Poor attitude towards coworkers or management

Employers want employees to be positive and friendly towards the people they work with. If you have a poor attitude, it will be difficult for your employer to justify keeping you around when they can hire someone happy to get along well with others as part of their team. This can negatively impact the workplace environment and hinder team morale and, in turn, productivity.

5. Inability to get along with a particular coworker, boss, or customer

Employers want employees to get along well with others and work effectively in a team. If you have trouble getting along with people, it will make your employer wonder whether or not they can rely on you as part of their more prominent organization. It may also create tension within the office, hindering productivity and morale even more than a poor attitude.
New hires should do their best to get along with the people they work with, even if there is a personality clash. There are always methods to deal with difficult coworkers, such as taking a meeting or listening to their views before defending your decision

6. Too much time spent on social media during work hours

Employers want employees to use their work hours wisely and not spend too much time on social media, including WhatsApp, during the day. New hires should avoid spending too much time on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter while working because it can put their job at risk. This can be seen as a poor use of time during work hours, even if they were checking their social media accounts for business purposes, so it is essential to maintain professionalism when using these sites or apps.

7. Being unable to work in a team environment

Employers want employees to be able to work well in a team. If you cannot seem to get along with others or bounce ideas off of them, then it will make your employer wonder whether they can rely on you as part of their more prominent organization. It may also create tension within the office, hindering productivity and morale even more than a poor attitude.

8. Lack of experience in the field they were hired for

It’s essential to be honest about your experience level in the industry you are applying for, especially if it is a new role. You should also discuss any training or certifications that can help support your application. It’s essential to understand whether any on-the-job training will be required and how much time and resources will be dedicated. You should also determine a probationary period during which you may still lose your job and how long it lasts.

9. Failure to meet deadlines or goals set out by their superiors

As a new hire, you are responsible for proving yourself capable of handling the assigned tasks. While you are still learning the ropes, specific deadlines will likely be adjusted or pushed back. This isn’t a personal reflection on your abilities; it’s just part of being new in any role. It would be best if you always aimed to exceed expectations by offering additional help and communicating with your superiors about changes in deadlines. This will show them how dedicated you are to your job and any extra work that may need to be done to complete the task on time or even ahead of schedule if possible.
If deadlines can’t be changed, you must strictly adhere to them and ensure that your superiors know precisely what’s happening.

Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

10. Poor communication skills, including speaking too softly and not listening when spoken to

Some people mumble or speak too softly, which can be mistaken as a lack of interest. This may mean you are not being appropriately heard, making it difficult for others to understand what you want to say.
Poor communication includes talking over someone else, interrupting their sentences, asking questions without first listening carefully to the complete answer, and not showing interest in your superior’s words.
If you lack good communication skills, then it’s likely that you’ll be perceived as unfriendly or even disrespectful towards the people who are trying to help you get started with a new job. However, it’s not likely to be a significant issue if this is due to nervousness, but it improves over time because of practice and encouragement.
However, most people don’t possess exceptional communication skills right off the bat. If this is something you are working on improving through your interactions with others, that will help others understand where they need to take steps to succeed at your job.

11. Unclear expectations

Everyone needs to have a mutual understanding of what is expected from them to avoid misunderstandings down the road. For example, suppose it becomes apparent that your manager or employer does not expect much from their employees regarding performance. In that case, this may indicate that the company operates poorly and isn’t likely to last long.

It would be best if you weren’t afraid to ask questions about the role and what they expect from you. However, suppose your manager or superior cannot provide an answer. In that case, it’s possible they aren’t willing to invest in employees and would prefer a more laid-back approach.

12. Negative interactions with other employees or customers

The workplace is a social environment, and getting along with your peers and those you work for is crucial. If there are already existing cliques or rivalries among employees, this could cause problems if misunderstandings occur. It would also tell you whether you can fit into that work environment.

It’s also important to remember that you represent your company whenever you interact with customers. If there is a negative interaction between someone and an employee, this will reflect poorly on the company. Make sure to regularly check in with yourself about how you’re feeling during interactions; if something doesn’t feel right or it becomes difficult for you to devise a solution to a problem, then it may be time to talk with your superior.

13. Poor time management skills

Time management is vital, especially when you’re expected to complete multiple tasks simultaneously. However, this may be an issue if many things need your attention and it becomes difficult for you to focus on them or prioritize them based on importance.

Poor time management skills often go hand in hand with being disorganized. If you’re late for meetings, miss deadlines and struggle with your workload regularly, then it’s likely that something needs to change for the company to see any improvement from hiring new employees.

14. Lack of initiative and drive

It’s important to remember that your job isn’t just about being skilled at what you do — it goes beyond the technical. If things need doing, then take charge and look into them yourself. It will show others that you can handle yourself well in a professional setting and help shape how they perceive their role in the company.

If you’re not used to taking the initiative, you must start doing so as soon as possible to succeed at your job. But first, spend some time observing other proactive employees and try seeing what works for them to pick up new habits yourself.

15. Poor work ethic, lack of commitment to the job or company culture

If you’re looking for a rewarding and fulfilling experience in your job, then the company in question must have a positive culture to work in. If there are existing problems with how employees interact or what is expected of them, this will only worsen over time.

It’s also essential to have a strong work ethic. If you are committed to your job and the company, it will show through any actions you take. In addition, it will help motivate those around you and establish an image of how employees should behave on behalf of the company. On the other hand, if there is no commitment, it will affect your productivity and how others are perceived.

16 . Showing up late or leaving early without approval

Set realistic work schedule expectations with your employers, especially if you need to make time off. If there are already problems showing up on time or leaving at the end of a regular day, this may not be an environment where employees can thrive.

If you feel that certain days require you to arrive or leave late, you must present your case clearly and ask for permission. This will show others that you can be flexible to accommodate changing circumstances while still fulfilling your duties as an employee.

17. Saying inappropriate things to coworkers on social media

When using social media, it’s important to remember that a broad audience can see what you post and say. If something is offensive in your posts, or you lash out at people who work for the company, this may impact how others view you while potentially getting them into trouble.

If you’re unfamiliar with how to use social media professionally, then it’s essential to learn how to behave online to avoid putting your job at risk. This will help ensure that you’re not representing the company or its values poorly and allows others around you to know how they should conduct themselves.

18. Bringing personal drama into the office

It can be tempting to talk about personal issues when coworkers surround you. However, it may not always be appropriate. If your problems get in the way of doing your job or showing up at work, this will only worsen things for everyone involved.

If you’re dealing with family or personal issues, taking steps outside of work hours is essential to prevent them from spilling over into the office. In addition, this will ensure that coworkers don’t feel like they need to step in and help while ensuring your responsibilities aren’t compromised.

19. Stealing from the company or being dishonest on a resume

If you’re not completely honest about your job qualifications, it will only cause problems later on. If certain aspects of the position require skills or experience that you don’t have, then this may not be easy to overcome. Don’t claim to have skills on your resume when you don’t have them

It’s also essential to avoid stealing from an employer because it can ruin someone’s trust in their employees. Not only will it make the company more likely to be suspicious of its workers, but it will also cause a significant inconvenience if things are missing or not accounted for.

20. Losing focus, not being proactive, and being disorganized

Even if you have the qualifications and skills required for a position, it won’t matter much if you aren’t aggressive. It’s essential to prove that you can take the initiative to get things done without being told what to do.

If certain aspects require your attention or tasks that need completing, it will make the company look bad and reflect poorly on you. Therefore, it’s essential to follow through and take responsibility for your actions, even when it is someone else’s fault.

21. Lack of commitment to the company

It’s essential to show that you’re committed to your work and that it is something you want. If there are days when you don’t feel like going to work or can’t make it, then this may be a sign of bad things to come. Don’t complain about working at your job.

It’s also important to show that you’re committed to the company and its values, even if there are things about it or certain people who work for it that may bother you. Perhaps another line of work would be better suited if this is too challenging.

Photo by Stillness InMotion on Unsplash

22. Not being able to adapt quickly enough or not taking the initiative when needed

You may have all the qualifications and skills required for a position, but it won’t matter if you can’t adapt quickly enough, it won’t matter. So it would be best if you were flexible to ensure that you’re on top of your work and adjust when needed.

You should always volunteer yourself first if certain things come up unexpectedly or changes need to be made. This shows that you can adapt and adjust quickly and take the initiative when required.

23. Being unable to handle stress and pressure

While everyone deals with stress and pressure differently, it’s essential to show that you can handle these aspects of a job. To do this successfully, then make an effort to organize yourself and manage your time correctly.

It’s also essential for employers to see how productive you are in high-stress situations and under deadlines. If you can work well under pressure, this will only help your cause. On the other hand, if the deadlines are unreasonable, have a word with your supervisor and explain why you are asking for extra time. Stress and pressure should not impact the mental health of employees.

24. Forgetting about what is most important, choosing the wrong priorities

When it comes to working, there is no right or wrong answer to what the essential aspects are, however. You should always select what benefits your company. If certain things require more attention than others and may take priority over something else entirely, this can cause problems.

If you’re not giving something your full attention, it’s best to let someone know as soon as possible. It will be difficult for you to handle each aspect properly if they are not given the proper focus and care.

25. Not being able to communicate well with others or lacking communication skills

Communication well with others is one of the most important aspects of a job. If you cannot effectively convey your thoughts and ideas, it won’t matter how skilled or talented you are.

It’s also vital for employers to see that you can understand and accept feedback and take constructive criticism without feeling discouraged or upset. It would be best to remain calm and level-headed when responding to feedback.

26. Making excuses

Mistakes will happen, no matter how smart or skilled you may be. First, however, you must own up to them and take responsibility for what happened. If the mistake is insignificant, admit it quickly and move on. On the other hand, if the problem was more significant than expected, explain why this happened and what steps you plan to take to prevent it from happening again.

27. Being argumentative and not willing to compromise

Working with others and being open-minded are essential for a job. You may have your thoughts on some issues, but this won’t go well if you aren’t willing to listen or cooperate. Arguments between employees will never solve anything, so always remain calm and try to compromise whenever possible.

Unfortunately, some people may not adjust, which can end up costing them their job. This is why employees need to show that they are capable of adapting and willing to take on new challenges when needed. If you’re able to do this successfully, then there will always be room for advancement

28. Bullying

Bullying is never okay. If a fellow employee is bullying you, do not hesitate to let your manager know as soon as possible. Employers need to see how well employees can work together and if some issues need to be resolved. If they are not addressed, it can lead to a toxic environment for everyone.

29. Breaking workplace rules or policies

Don’t hesitate to ask your manager or human resources if you’re unsure about a workplace rule. While it may seem common sense, sometimes people forget that they need to follow specific regulations and policies for their safety and everyone else’s safety. It’s always better to play it safe than sorry in this case!

30. Not showing up for training classes

If the company offers training courses, then these should be taken advantage of as much as possible! In most cases, all employees will need them before they start working at their new job anyway, but some people might think that everything else is optional from here on out until retirement once they have been hired.

31. Showing up drunk at work

It doesn’t matter if you are still hungover from last night’s party or simply feeling the effects of a few drinks over lunch, do not ever show up to work drunk! Not only is it illegal in most places, but it can also be dangerous for everyone else. If you’re having issues with alcohol, then seek professional help before your addiction gets out of hand and endangers everyone around you.

32 . Absenteeism

If you’re not at work, then there is no reason for your employer to pay you. While there are some cases where someone may need to take time off for an emergency, make sure that you call in before the day starts or whenever possible if it’s too late. If not, then your job could be at risk! Don’t avail of sick leave without a doctor’s note.

The start of every shift is the most crucial part because this tells employers that you are committed to your job and willing to be there when needed. Being consistently late can lead to termination and set an example for other employees, so make sure that you always arrive on schedule no matter what happens!

34. Showing up late frequently or leaving early without permission

Showing up late to work is understandable sometimes, but everyone should realize that this can be problematic if it becomes a habit. If your job requires you to always be on time, then stick with this rule and never arrive late — no matter what! This will help avoid any problems, so keep it in mind! Some people might think all their responsibilities are over until retirement, which is simply untrue once hired. Employers want employees who take pride in their jobs and stay loyal. Check with your employer’s policies. Some may have core office work hours so that you may come early and leave early or start slightly late and leave late from work,

35. Failing background verification or reference checks

Just because you look great on paper or tell a convincing story doesn’t mean you are. It’s essential to be honest with your employers about your background and past experiences, even if it means having them run additional checks before officially hiring you. This way, they can ensure that everything is as clear-cut as possible for both parties involved! Most times, when background checks fail or reference checks fail is due to lying on a CV about a skill you do not have or not having performed a role, faking the date of work, or covering up gaps between jobs. Be honest and don’t risk losing a job you got with so much difficulty

36. Taking credit for other people’s work

Whether you are taking credit for work another person did or simply trying to get noticed by the boss, it’s best not to take credit for someone else’s hard work. This can be done in many different ways and isn’t always blatant, so make sure that if you do claim other people’s ideas as your own, you don’t give them away! Nothing is worse than stealing from others, especially when they deserve recognition.

39. Failing drug tests

Failing pre-employment drug tests when hired is a major red flag for employers because it means the person has been using drugs before being hired, which can increase absenteeism from illness related to drugs or addiction issues down the line or cause problems in the workplace when tempers flare up. Therefore, you should always tell your employer about any drug problems before being hired so that they may handle it to their liking and avoid a bad hire! It’s also important not to show up for work high since this can lead to termination.

40. Unprofessional appearance

It’s important to always look professional in the workplace, especially when you land a job with so much difficulty. If your company has dress codes (which they usually do for certain positions), make sure you follow them exactly or risk losing everything.

You should also avoid wearing too much makeup because this can be seen as unprofessional and flirty. Makeup is delicate, but keeping it light, simple, and neutral colours will do! Don’t overdo it by applying dark eye shadows or brightly coloured lipsticks either, since this can cause problems later on if someone complains about what you’re doing! When in doubt, stick with natural-looking cosmetics like loreal proper match foundation

41. Not taking the initiative when given opportunities

Taking on new responsibilities or opportunities within a company is excellent, but only if you want to take them first. For example, if your employer offers you more work and takes too long to complete, this can be seen as not wanting the job, leading to faster termination than expected! On the other hand, if they offer you extra responsibility, make sure you do whatever it takes to handle these tasks without complaint. This way, employers know what they are getting with their money by hiring someone with initiative!

42. Failing to meet deadlines

This is especially important in the workplace because employers must know their employees can be counted on and meet deadlines. Therefore, when given a project, ensure you give yourself enough time but don’t take too long with it or risk losing your job. This means doing whatever it takes (within reason) to get the task done without complaint. If this means working overtime after hours, then so be it! Just make sure not to work more than needed since this could lead to burnout which will inevitably cause problems when they realize how much extra money they’re spending for nothing.

43. Being unproductive during the day

Being unproductive during the day can lead to termination, even if you are great at your job. Employers want people who are always willing to do whatever it takes for their business or company to succeed. If someone is lazy all of the time, this will cause problems later on down the line so avoid doing this as soon as possible!

44. Not asking questions when you don’t understand something

It’s important to ask questions in the workplace if there is ever a time that you’re unsure of what’s going on or how to do your job. If no one asks questions, employers will assume their employees know everything, which is not always true!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

47. Using company equipment for personal use without permission

Using company equipment for personal use is highly frowned upon in the workplace, especially if you don’t have permission. Employers need to know that their employees will not be using work time and money on things they shouldn’t, such as making long phone calls or sending emails about their private life instead of working. This could lead to termination very quickly if this were a problem before! Some standard office equipment misused include mobile phones, official cars and so on

48. Giving away company secrets or information about other employees without authorization

Giving away company secrets or information about other employees is not allowed in the workplace at all! Even if your boss asks you to share this with them, you shouldn’t do it since they could get into legal trouble for doing so. This also means never gossiping about others who are working beside you! If someone has a problem, they will come directly to their superior. Otherwise, keep any negative thoughts and opinions in your mind where no one else can hear them.

49. Inability to work independently

Working independently is a must in the workplace. Employers want to know that their employees can get on with whatever they need to do without their help. If an employer needs someone who would instead follow orders instead of doing things themselves, then it’s best not to apply for this position!

50. Being flirtatious at work

Being flirtatious at work is not allowed and can lead to termination very quickly! Employers want employees who will get on with their job and don’t cause any problems in the office. If you tend to be flirty, it’s best to avoid doing this since it could create more trouble than necessary. Being friendly with colleagues is acceptable but not flirting.

The best way to keep your job is never to lose it in the first place. But if you do, maybe stay away from these behaviours! It’s interesting to see people’s common mistakes when getting their first job and how they can avoid them through research or honesty about what they want out of a career. This blog post was written for those who are either looking for their first job or have one and need some help staying on top of things at work without slipping up too often! Of course, no one wants to lose their job. However, everyone needs to know why people seem to be getting fired after they get hired. Don’t let this happen to you!

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